Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Roman Daily Times.

The Roman Daily Times
Mob Induced Death Toll On The Rise.
By: Aneeka La Foucade
Now that Caesar has been murdered, Rome has lost all logical reasoning. Antony has stirred up the vengeful side of each man, woman, and child. Look out Rome the mobs are taking over!

As we all know one of the assassins is named Cinna. An angry mob has killed and innocent poet. Who, by chance, is also named Cinna.

“Caesar’s death is a tragedy,” said a mournful Cinna when interviewed on Caesar’s assassination before his murder. Ironically, he was murdered en route to pay his last respects to Caesar.

“Someone must suffer! A great man has been murdered!” a member of the mob cried, on the night of Caesar’s death. Many mob participants have given similar statement, as if it would justify these brutal acts.

“The citizens of Rome have gone insane!” says a witness of the scene. People are afraid to leave their homes for fear of being killed.

Brutus and the rest of his untrustworthy brood seem to have gone into hiding. If someone does not hold rein on this senseless violence, Rome will burn. However some wonder if Antony has given us his true motives or if they will ever come to light.

Political Comic

Antony: I don’t see why everyone says Rome can’t think for itself...
Caesar: Dance puppets! Dance!

The puppet’s strings represent Caesar’s control over the Roman public.
Caesar’s size has been exaggerated to show how ‘big’ he has become.
The analogy is that the people’s free will is only an illution.
The irony in this cartoon is how oblivious the people are to Caesar’s power even though it’s right in front of them.